a Kansas Not for Profit Corporation
501(c)(3) Public Charity
I. Name
The name of the organization shall be The Mid-Continent Regional Science Association.
II. Objectives
(1) To provide opportunities for scholars in Regional Science disciplines to present research ideas to peers in a supportive environment.
(2) To provide an opportunity for scholars in Regional Science disciplines to publish their ideas in the Association’s journal.
(3) To stimulate continued interest in Regional Science among professionals.
(4) No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth inArticle Third No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be thecarrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the organization shall not carry onany other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federalincome tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding sectionof any future federal tax code, or
(b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
III. Membership
- The membership of the organization shall be all who pay annual dues either separately or through the Association’s registration.
- Student membership dues shall be one-half of the membership dues of a regular member.
- All those who have paid dues are eligible to vote on the business of the Association at the business meeting.
IV. Officers
- The Association shall have the following officers who shall be elected by the membershipat an annual business meeting: President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Past-President, a student member, up to three at-large members and Mid-Continent representative to theNorth American Regional Science The terms of the office for each position shall beone year or until the next annual business meeting following the election. Each at-large member has a three-year term. The President-Elect shall automatically succeed thepresidency of the Association after one year and the Past-President shall succeed to thatoffice after the term of the presidency has expired. Except for the Vice-President succeeding the President and the Past-President, the Association Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement for an unexpired term should a vacancy occur.
- The Association shall also have the following officers appointed by the President withapproval from the Association Board of Directors: Executive Director, Local ArrangementsChair, Program Chair, The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy Editor(s), Chair of the Nominating The terms of the office for these appointments will be determined bythe Association Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers of the Association (Article 1).Appointed officers shall serve on the Board as non-voting, ex officio members. The Board ofDirectors shall be responsible for appointing an Executive Director and The Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy Editor(s) who will each serve a five-year term at the pleasure of the Boardof Directors. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for selecting the location of theannual meeting hosted by the Association. The Board of Directors shall also be responsible forthe long-range planning of the Association. Finally, the Board of Directors shall be responsiblefor recommending dues levels, constitutional amendments, and the annual business meetingagenda for the approval by the Membership at the business meeting.
V. Duties of the Officers
- The President of the Association shall preside over all meetings of the Association and theAssociation Board of The President shall appoint the nominating committee, withthe approval of the Board of Directors, prior to the Association’s business meeting. ThePresident shall appoint additional committees, as the need requires. The President holds theduly authorized signature for all legal matters regarding the Association that are approved bythe Membership or the Association Board of Directors. Signatory authority in all such mattersmay be conferred to the Executive Director with approval of the Board of Directors andthereafter revoked with similar approval. The President shall call at least one annual meetingof the Association Board of Directors and any additional meetings as may be needed toconduct the business of the Association. The President shall assume other duties andresponsibilities as determined by the Association Board of Directors.
- The Past-President shall assist the President in the conduct of the President’s duties, primarily in an advisory capacity.
- The President-Elect shall assist the President in the conduct of the President’s ThePresident-Elect shall preside over all meetings of the Association and the Association Board of Directors in the President’s absence. The President-Elect shall become the President of theAssociation should the office of the President become vacant. The President-Elect will normally organize a special session of the annual conference that is related to emergingissues in Regional Science. The President-Elect shall assume other duties and responsibilitiesas determined by the President and the Association Board of Directors.
- The Vice-President shall assist the President in the conduct of the President’s duties. The Vice-President also serves as the Chair of the Association’s student paper competition. The Vice-President shall assume other duties and responsibilities as determined by the President and the Association Board of Directors.
- The Executive Director shall serve as the Association’s secretary and treasurer and will otherwise be empowered to act on behalf of the Association in its general interests inconsultation with the Board of Directors. Duties of the Executive Director shall include keepingthe records of the Association and being responsible for all the funds of the TheExecutive Director shall secure and disburse all money associated with the Annual Meetingand business meeting of the Association. The Executive Director shall collect and disburse allmoney associated with the general support of The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy. TheExecutive Director shall keep the minutes of all business conducted by the Association or theAssociation Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall assume other duties andresponsibilities as determined by the President and the Association Board of Directors.
- The student member shall serve a one-year term shall assume duties and responsibilities asdetermined by the President and the Association Board of
- The at-large members shall serve three-year terms and be responsible for organizing a session at the annual meeting and shall assume other duties and responsibilities asdetermined by the President and the Association Board of
- The Association Representative to the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) shall represent the Association in all business brought before the The Representative shall report back to the Association Board of Directors and the Association on all matters from the NARSC that affects the Association.
- The Local Arrangements Chair shall have responsibility for securing hotel accommodations, meeting rooms, meals, entertainment, and other requirements as host for the annual convention.
- The Program Chair shall have responsibility for soliciting submissions, reviewing submissions, and organizing the program for the annual convention.
- The Editor(s) of the Association Journal, The Journal of Regional Analysis & Policy, shall oversee the publication of the journal. Duties include: maintaining a current list of volunteer reviewers for journal submissions, organizing the submissions for publication, and finding a publisher for the journal. The Editor(s) are ultimately responsible for all financial transactions relating to the journal’s publication and distribution.
- The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall call a meeting once a year prior to the annual meeting of the Board of Directors to nominate officers for the coming year. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall present the slate of nominees to the Board of Directors and shall report the nominations to the Association Membership during the annual meeting.
VI. Committees
- The Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the appointed chair and shall consist of two additional members appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. The term of the office for the chair shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The term of office of the other two members of the committee shall be one calendar year.
- There shall be a committee of the Association to select the winner(s) of the Association’sannual student paper competition, herein designated the M. Jarvin Emerson Student PaperCompetition. The Vice-President shall serve as chair of the competition committee and twoother Association members in good standing to be selected by the committee chair shall serve on the committee.
VII. Annual Meeting
- There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Association at a place and time determined by the Association Board of Directors.
- The Annual Meeting shall have as its primary purpose the presentation and discussion of papers and ideas relevant to the field of Regional Science.
- A portion of each Annual Meeting shall be devoted to a business meeting. The authorized voting members at the business meeting shall consist of all dues paying members present. The business meeting shall elect the officers of the Association for the coming year, shall vote on dues and journal subscription fees upon recommendation from the Association Board of Directors, shall vote on any proposed amendments to this Constitution, and shall discuss and vote on all other issues brought before the Membership. Roberts Rules shall stand as the operating rules of order for the business meeting. The business meeting shall be chaired by the Association President.
VIII. Dissolution
- In the event of dissolution of the Association, all remaining assets of the Association shall be transferred to an organization classified as an exempt 501(c)3 entity, and all such assets will be used solely and exclusively for exempt purposes as defined under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
IX. Amendments to the Constitution
- Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by the Association Board of Directors at the annual meeting of the Membership. Amendments may also be proposed by the Membership, provided the amendment is signed by at least five members and submitted to the Association President at least four weeks prior to the annual meeting. The President shall be responsible for distribution of the amendment to the membership at the annual business meeting along with any recommendations on its passage by the Association Board of Directors.
- Amendments shall be accepted when an absolute majority of members attending the annual business meeting vote for approval. All dates of amendment shall be noted within this Constitution from that time.
X. Distinguished Fellows
- Individuals with particularly outstanding records of scholarship and/or service to the Association in the advancement of regional analysis and related fields of study may be elected as Distinguished Fellows of the Association by the Executive Council. The position of Fellow is an honorary position of the Association in recognition of the achievements and contributions of the selected individuals.
- The number of Fellows elected at any time shall be at the discretion of the Association Board of Directors.
XI. Awards
- The Association bestows awards at the annual conference meeting to encourage participation. The Association’s website will provide details concerning the awards.
MCRSA Distinguished Service Award: This is the Association’s award for outstanding service to the Association. The Distinguished Service Award would recognize exceptionally meritorious and sustained service on behalf of MCRSA.
Early Career Award: This is for an active MCRSA member with less than ten years post Ph.D. professional experience. The Early Career Award is intended to recognize newer members of the Association who have made significant contributions to the Association and/or the discipline of Regional Science.
Research Impact Award: This award recognizes an outstanding article in JRAP as determined by the editors.
- M. Jarvin Emerson Student Paper Competition: The M. Jarvin Emerson Student Paper Competition is open to any student enrolled or recently graduated from an academic program (graduate or undergraduate). Student papers dealing with all aspects of regional development, including cultural, physical and economic processes, are welcome.
- These awards are bestowed at the discretion of the Association Board of Directors.
XII. Amendments
- Bylaws adopted: March, 1969
- Bylaws amended: June 3, 2004
- Bylaws amended: June 8, 2012
- Bylaws amended: May 31, 2013
- Bylaws amended: June 7, 2024
Hereby attested:
Candi Clouse, President; Dagney Faulk, President-Elect