2025 MCRSA/IMPLAN Conference
The 55th Annual MCRSA Conference and the 17th IMPLAN National Users Conference is scheduled for June 4-6, 2025, at The Bloch School at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. An IMPLAN training session is scheduled for June 2-4 prior to the conference. The 2025 MCRSA/IMPLAN conference will be joint with the Midwest Public Affairs Conference (MPAC). View the Call for Papers here.
IMPLAN is the leading provider of economic impact data and analytical applications. IMPLAN serves the economic data needs of researchers, policy makers, decision makers, advocates, business leaders, governments, and more to empower greater understanding of your economic impact. For more information, visit: http://implan.com/
Important Conference Policies
Please read them carefully.
MCRSA Combined Registration/Membership
What is it? We are including MCRSA membership in the conference registration fee for those who have not already paid for it individually.
Why? Members asked for it. It remains our policy that all participants in the MCRSA conference be members of the Association. So, there is an enhanced fee to cover the membership requirement. However, there is no mention of professional association membership on the registration form, nor will there be on the conference receipt. It only will say MCRSA Conference Registration.
Late Registration Surcharge
What is it? This isn’t really new. We always have had a financial incentive to get people to register earlier rather than later.
Why? We are trying to cut down on the uncertainty associated with people who wait until the last minute to decide whether to come after their paper is accepted and the invitation to attend has been issued. The cost differential between early and late registration is $50.
Paper Acceptance Withdrawal for Non-registration
What is it? Anyone who has had a paper accepted but who fails to register and pay the conference registration fee by May 7 will have their paper removed from the conference program and their presentation time slot eliminated.
Why? Every year, we have “No Shows” who have had a paper accepted and included in the program, but who fail to register, who ignore inquiries about their intentions, and who we must make and pay for conference preparations. Most people have no idea how expensive it is to host a conference. A reminder will be sent to any such non-registrant, and a notification of withdrawal will be issued.